Thursday 19 July 2012

Like Promised.

Like i promised, the post for the next story or in this case author. I really enjoy this authors stories or one-shots as they are funny even though there may be angst or hurt or different aspect within the story which just makes them better, as it breaks up the tension or feelings within the stories and makes them happy i spose.

There are a few stories to choose from with this author and the ones i have read include both one-shot stories which may/or may not have a sequel to them. Some are over one chapter for those  who may want something longer to read.

Most of the stories i have seen on their profile so far are Supernatural ones, so if you dont like supernatural then sorry. I would like to point out again (i did mention this in a previous post) that i havent even watched supernatural and have enjoyed and pieced together certain things within the supernatural world. Meaning i have been able to follow what happens or is happening or what has happened quite well, just in case some of you were worried about that.

Okay so the link is:

I'm Back!!

Sorry i havent been blogging lately but i was on holiday and even though i got back last week i still had to redo some assignments from uni that needed to be done pronto. I just hoped i passed them this time as i really dont want to repeat the year again, cos that would just suck. Big time.

I also realize that i have missed a story being put up and i am really sorry bout that but i thought i would have time to do so after i got back from scarborough, but alas i didnt. But dont worry to make up for that i will be posting an author as a story would also have been posted this week. That means more stories for you to read if u so desire.

Hope everyone had as lovely a week as i did at the begining of the month, i was enjoying the lovely rain and wind whilst on holiday. Lovely. Certainly made my holiday that much better, nearly getting wet most of the time and having to come back a day early as roads were being closed due to flooding but nevermind. I still had fun.

Reading post will be up soo, so keep a look out.