Friday 21 December 2012

Excuses, excuses...

I do have a really good excuse for not keeping up with posts and that would be me;
A. being busy
B. Posting on another blog - not personal
C. University.

Technically points B and C go together in that the blog was an assignment for university in which i needed to work with a group and do some research on a topic of our choosing. It went rather well i believe and hopefully we get a really good mark for it.

Soo not looking forward to the next one which is after xmas and is an individual one. Im really not gonna do that well on it. I can tell already as i have no idea what i want to do for it.

Hope everyone is doing well and i will post back in a few days time.

Tiger x


Wow its been a long time since ive done this. But hopefully i can start putting more posts up regularly now or regularly for me anyway.

I believe that i did put up a post several months ago about a female harry potter and percy jackson crossover. With Fem Harry as a daughter of posoiden (cnt spell) and i thought that i would put the sequel for that up now.

The sequel is contains Percy and the Gods and is the start of the Lightning thief.


Tuesday 16 October 2012

Second webby...


I am now putting up the second website that had stories on it that i have read and i enjoyed these as well and hope that you all will.

Like with the first website i put up on the blog there is a mix of fanfic from which these stories come from and just like the other the warning is the same as they do involve spanking and possibly other aspects (havent read them all) and may not be suitable for young readers.


Wednesday 3 October 2012

The first site.

The first website/reading that i am putting up is by an author called Snow White. The stories on the website are fanfics and the are a few different ones on there. One aspects of her stories is spanking. So if you dont like then please dont read and then complain to me about it cos you didnt read the warnings.

The link to the site is:

I found it and others. Yay!

In my last post i mentioned that i was looking for a website that had some really good stories on it. Well i have just found it and some of the guest authors mentioned on it also have some really good stories so i finally have more material to blog for the readings that i put up.

Most of the stories though might be a bit different to what i have put n before so do please read any warnings that may be linked to the stories posted on the site that i will be putting up in a post and on the links part with the other website links that i have on the blog.

Monday 24 September 2012

So so so SORRY!!

I am so sorry that i havent been blogging for awhile but i have been trying to sort things out with Uni as some problems came up that needed to be fixed and sorted out and i am still waiting for an email about one of the problems.

Another reason i havent blogged is due to some stories that i have wanted to reread seem to have dissappeared or i cant remember the name of them, which is rather annoying. As well as a website that had really good fic and fanfic stories, that i have been trying to find again but not really having much luck on that.

For the story posts i will be adding a few sometime this week probs from different sites and some may be for over 18's. No offence if some of my readers are younger than that but as i am nearly 21 (5 mnths to go) i do tend to read stuff that may not be suitable for all ages.

If anyone has any sites that they have been on and want to share with others just send me a comment or email if able and i will see what i can do about putting it up on the blog.

Thank You and Sorry once again.

Tiger x 

Wednesday 8 August 2012


I officially hate enrolling.

Might not have liked it much before as it sometimes confused me but i now hate it. This is because i have to redo one of my modules at uni, and i tried submitting that selection as it is the only one that i can do but it doesnt seem to want to go really. It really loves letting me know that it wont take it and it got slightly annoying the first 3 tries and about this time i was getting slightly pissed off at it (excuse my french), and just abit upset as it wasnt going and all i kept getting was Submission failed in lovely red letters.

Yeah not the best experience ive had with enrolling especially as i cant do any of the other modules without completing this one first so to say that its failing is rather annoying, frustrating and down right pissing me off (again i apologise for my french).

I hope others are having a better time at it than me.