Saturday 4 August 2012


Wow, i didnt think it had been quite this long since i last wrote a post but it seems it has. Sorry about that, but i did try to write a post last week i think it was but there were a few problems to contend with.

The first would be that there was something wrong with the server so i couldnt even get on to the website much less write a post. So i decided to leave it awhile and try again.

The second would be that i forgot. Yep i forgot to check if i can get on the website so i could write my lovely post (the contents of which has completely gone out of my mind. Sorry. Cnt have been that good really or i would remember it) for something or rather.

The third would be my laptop. It hasonce again decided to be a pest and shutdown due to what i like to think of as overheating. At least im assuming its that and not some other problem that involves my laptop to have a slight, power cut type shutown.

The fourth of which is i was really worrying about my results which i recieved and was slightly dissappointed with actually. So i really did not feel upto posting anything.

Sooo if any of you lovely reader were waiting for the nxt story post i will be posting two reading posts. Not sure when but most likely tomorrow and not completely sure on what, i have an idea but i have a feeling i may have already posted it before, meaning i need to double check that before i do any posting.

Be on the lookout and i am really really sorry. Hope to write again soon.
Tiger xx

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