Tuesday 31 January 2012

Lectures and Moving

Just came back from my children's health and well-being lecture about 47 minutes ago. It seemed to go faster than normal and i didnt get to write all the notes down or i started to write some and then left a sentence half done as the nxt slide had popped up. I suppose this helped in the lecture itself going faster and ending quicker than normal since a normal 2hr lecture was cut down to a 1 1/2 hr lecture. I quite like it when this happens as i get to go home that much quicker and end up doing other things tht need to be done or just things that i want to do.

So on the way to the lecture me and my flat mate were talking as most ppl may end up doing and i asked if the deposit tht we payed on the flat will we end up getting the full amount back and she said yes but then tht will go straight back to the agency as nxt yrs deposit on the flat we move into nxt yr or this september, depending on how you look at it i suppose. However what i may have conviently forgotton to mention to her is that i already have payed a deposit for a 4 bed shared house with 3 other ppl meaning that while she thinks i am moving back in with her nxt yr i am in actuality not going to be. This can prove to be a bit of a problem as someone else i have told may slip up and tell her or i may never find the right time in doing so. Therefore this leaves me with a bit of a problem and i have absolutely no idea what i am going to end up doing.   

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