Wednesday 1 February 2012


Some times i absolutely hat the internet and the agency tht i'm renting from. Since bout 2:45pm today the internet went after bout 20mins working and then a few hours later i got a txt from the letting agency saying that the IT techs cnt come and fix it till tomorrow afternoon and srry for any inconvenience, which to isnt gd enough as there have been multiple incidents in which the internet has gone off for hours at a time and even days since september when i moved in, and as a uni student and teenager (tho for nt much longer i'll b 20 nxt week) the internet is vital for my studies and my enjoyment. I am truly bored without the internet and nothing to do as i have watched most of my dvds several times over already. What, in my opinion, makes this worse is that my flat mate has/had not even told me that it was back up. Its just common curtesy to tell someone if the internet is back or not especially as i have done it several time for her. 

Urrgghh, its all rather annoying and stupid and its kinder p*ssing me off a little. (nt sure if im allowed to swear in here or not)

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