Tuesday 7 February 2012


I hate days where you have to get up in the mornings when you dont want to and just want sleep. Kinda like this morning really, when my alarm woke me up at bout 8 i think it was maybe just a bit later and all i really wanted to do was go back to sleep especially since, though i do not have it, i had a bout of insomnia last night and didnt go to bed until nearly 4 not sure what time it was when i fell asleep but i'll just tell ppl that it was 4am, its alot quicker and easier really. So now i feel quite like crap as i didnt end up going to lectures today in order to catch up on sleep in which i was in and out of sleep as ppl outside and in other flats were making noise and going out, so this kept me awake or waking up depending on how you look at meaning that i didnt get that much sleep in the end. 

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