Wednesday 22 February 2012


I got an email earlier in the day at about 10:45am i believe it was, from new look saying that my order was ready to be collected so i did while i was meant to be in a lecture but oh well, there is a reason why i didnt go and i will get to that later.

When i did pick up my lovely parcel, i ended up opening while walking through town on the way back to the flat, the packaging nearly flew away due to the wind which was quite nippy really. I have to say that i love my new bag and purse, the purse because even though it looks nice it can fit all my cards perfectly and the bag is quite big and really nice as well.

Right now on to the reason for not being at lecture. Well since yesterday afternoon, cant give a time, i started noticing a tightning in my chest which hurts quite a bit to be honest and i still have them today when i either breathe deeply or exhale, kinda like giving a loudish sigh, or move in a certain way it hurts. I'm hoping it goes away soon as it can and is getting on my nerves just a little and i really dont want to go to the doctors to find out why it hurts. See i had/have a valid reason for not going.   

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