Saturday 18 February 2012

Uni and more shopping. Yay!!

I go back to uni on monday, only 3 days to go. I think it will be nice to go back as i will be able to see my friends again and meet u with them but im not looking forward to going back as i have assignments due not long after possible upto a month and i havent really wrote that much just over 200 words for one of them and i believe just under 200 for the other, not tht brilliant really but at least i have some time to finish them when i go back.

Also as the title mentions i have been shopping once again. I used the extra money that i gor refunded from a shop, they havent realised yet hee hee, and bought myself a new handbag and purse. The handbag because its nice and mine i find, although nice and have only had it for a yr, annoying on occasion as it has too many tassles hanging from it. The purse on the other hand i needed as my one at the moment wont holdall my cards properly so some of them are doubled up together making it hard to get the correct card out of my purse to use. Again really annoying. I also hope that they are nice, they looked it in the pics but you can never tell until you see for yourself really.  

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