Thursday 28 June 2012


Haha. I have finally decided on one of the stories that i will be posting the link to, stilll deciding on the second.

Right so this story is again from fanfic but is a Harry.P and Supernatural crossover called Creep. I dont normally read these as i havent watched Supernatural so may not understand some references to series and episodes but i do well enough.

I found this story quite funny and i hope you do as well.

So the link is:

Monday 25 June 2012


I will be putting up a story dont worry, but the one i was going to put up has been taken off by FanFic so i am trying to figure out which ones are gone that i have read and from the ones that havent been taken off, i am trying to pick one.

I have been doing this while doing uni work as i only have bout 2 weeks to get it all done so it is slow going but it will be done so either later today or sometime this week there will be a new post up with the story i have chosen for last week.

Hope this is ok and sorry again.

Tiger xx

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Archive of Our Own

Archive of Our Own has been added to the links under My Fave Sites list if anyone wants to check it out.

Many of the HP stories have been added to this site after being taken down from FanFic.

It looks like a really good site and looks neater in a way than FanFic.

Just thought i would let you all know and hope you enjoy!!

Uni Results

So i got my results on sat 16th, passed all but three assignments but that wasnt to much of a surprise really as i was expecting them in a way and am glad for it as well. No im not weird for thinking/feeling this as i recentl had one resit and tutorials for the other two and i passed my presentation this time and i got help on my essays that i need to re do, so hopefully i will pass them this time as i really dont want to have to do them again.

At the moment i am back at my flat at uni and will be going back home to re do them as i dont have the money to stay here and i am going on holiday sometime at the end of June beginning of July time, so i really cannot stay here.

If anyone else got results back or a gettin them back Good Luck and I hope you did/do well.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

New Stuff Added

I have added two new gadgets to the layout of the blog one of these is the translate gadget which should be a help to those who may not be all that good at english especially if it isnt your first language/tongue.

The second gadget is my fave sites and two of those site added so far may not be for young readers due to the content however only LJs has warning about the age before you can read any of the books.

Also both Rolf and Ranger and LJ may not be suitable for everyone which does include age and preferences in stories and the genre/content of those stories.

Just thought i would warn you there, so read at your own risk.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Updated some posts

I have just updated all the story posts with a picture so everyone will know that, that particular post is to do with a story or as i may do an author who i love onl fanfic.

There are other sites that i read stories from and i may put those up as well and add them to the blog.

The pic used is the one shown below:
Hope this helps you, if you want to read a story post or ignore it and wait god knows how long for an ordinary one. This should also help everyone to differentiate the different types of posts that i have.

The Days of a Flower

This post is not about a flower or the days in which this flower develops but it is in fact another story.

Its a Sev and Harry story where Sev takes Harry in and looks after him when he is only about 2 days old or so (i think). Its a good story and slightly humorous in certain situations that Sev finds himself in whilst looking after and bringing Harry up.

The link is: 

Hope you enjoy and Happy reading!!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

10 days to go...

In only 10 days time, my online results will be available to look at for this year uni yr marks. That sentence just sounds so weird and probably doesnt sound like it make sense but it does. Basically i get my results back online and hopefully i will have passed the assignment that i havent got marks back for yet as i already know tht i have referred on one piece already and have to redo it.

I am looking forward to getting them back as i will be able to see how well i did but at the same time i dont incase i have to redo any more assignments which could be very likely and i really dont want to.

I am sure that many people feel this way when it comes to any sort of results that they are waiting for and i no tht we always probably will feel this longing to know what we got and a longing to not know which all turns into anxiety/anxiousness as well as nervesousness and excitement. But once we have read them its always with relief that its over and may include happiness if done well or sadness that if crap basically.

Hopefully with me it is the former rather than the latter.

Saturday 2 June 2012


Before i sign off and go do other stuff for today i thought i would tell you all that i will be posting another story next week as this weeks one was meant for last week and i really dont want to be changing the weeks that i will be putting a new one up for you all.

Happy reading!

Account on Fanfic

Hi everyone,
 Just thought i would let you all know that i have recently made an account on which i have been adding my fave stories and authors to make it easier for not only me to get to them but also you lot if you so desire.

I will be trying to update it regularly as i do have a lot of stories i have previously read to find and add to my favourites list. I will also still be carrying on with putting a story on the blog but if you dont like waiting for me to add one you can just find my account and look at stories from there.

Hope you enjoy the stories as much as i have and if you do want to look at my account its called Tiger-Lill1es. Which yes i know is similiar to the account/profile name that i have for this blog. It also has the same avatar/profile pic.