Wednesday 6 June 2012

10 days to go...

In only 10 days time, my online results will be available to look at for this year uni yr marks. That sentence just sounds so weird and probably doesnt sound like it make sense but it does. Basically i get my results back online and hopefully i will have passed the assignment that i havent got marks back for yet as i already know tht i have referred on one piece already and have to redo it.

I am looking forward to getting them back as i will be able to see how well i did but at the same time i dont incase i have to redo any more assignments which could be very likely and i really dont want to.

I am sure that many people feel this way when it comes to any sort of results that they are waiting for and i no tht we always probably will feel this longing to know what we got and a longing to not know which all turns into anxiety/anxiousness as well as nervesousness and excitement. But once we have read them its always with relief that its over and may include happiness if done well or sadness that if crap basically.

Hopefully with me it is the former rather than the latter.

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