Tuesday 20 March 2012


I'm so sorry that i havent written a post yet but my laptop or the internet depending on how you look at it wouldn't load the new post part on this blog enabling me to well write a new one do sorry for that.

But on to the original post that i was going to put up a few days ago my laptop for some strange reason has decided that it will be lazy and therefore loading programmes and what not even moving the mouse on screen to click on part of a page is going slower than normal. Its quite irritating because im used to my laptop going generally fast and not taking long in doing stuff really so im a little bit irritable at the moment.

Its been a slow week for me as well and it is finally catching up to me that i have a 3000 word essay due on thursday - which is in 2  days - and i havent even got half way through it word wise and im already nearly half way through writing it generally as i only have one aspect left to write about in the first half before going on to the second. And i have another 2 essays to write as well as a scrapbook to finish for next week AND a concert to get ready for. So i have an eventful week or so coming up. Cant wait *enter the sarcasm*. 

On top of all that my mum is moving on thursday as well, which is good and my room will be the 2nd one to be decorated meaning that by the time i go back for easter hols it should be ready for me to sort all my stuff out. YAY!!.  

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