Monday 30 April 2012

Rain, Rain, Rain.

Just heard some thunder about 30 mins ago, i hate thunder and i am glad that i didnt see any lightning either as i dont particularly like it either. I dont think that sentence made much sense but nevermind. Most of the time its been cold or raining or both together lately, although today was warm and sunny until i heard the rain and thunder tonight. I also hear that it will be raining tomorrow and im going out to visit a friend as it will ber her 21st. Should be fun. And on Wednesday im going out again to pick up a parcel, if it arrives on time, and again on Friday hopefully.
Just hope it doesnt rain then otherwise i would be/get very wet and look kinda like a drowned rat while some how smelling like a wet dog. I noticed this once several years ago when my mum picked me up from school and it had been raining, so i obviously got wet (drowned rat) and got in the car only to smell wet dog but we didnt own one nor had i touched one so im assuming it came from me some how or it just likened the smell to that of a wet dog.   

Saturday 28 April 2012

New story!

The new story has just been posted and yes i do realise that it is a day later than what i said it would be. The reason for that is the internet has finally stopped cutting in and out so i've been connected since this morning with no breaks. YAY!!

Internet doesnt seem that much faster though but never mind as long as it doesnt go again i'll be happy.

Road to Recovery

I've just chosen a story from fanfiction. Its only got about 10 chapters written at this time but is updated fairly quickly and i found this a good story to read.

Again its a Harry Potter one, but this is a story where Harry is sent to Azkaban when he was 15. I've read ones like this before and i believe this is one of the better stories, no offense to the other authors and their stories.

The link to this is:

Happy Reading!!

Friday 27 April 2012

Internet Problems

At the moment the internet is cutting in and out everyday and has done since i came back to the flat. This means that i am only getting internet for brief periods of time, which is very annoying as i tend to be in the middle of something when it decides to go, so i have no idea when i will have internet or for how long but i still will try and find a story to put up hopefully today but if not it may be tomorrow instead.

The reason for the internet cutting in and out is that virgin are updating broadband to make it faster or something like that. Why they couldnt have done while everyone was off for easter, i dont know as it would have made more sense and be more convenient if it was as most people have moved back in for the last few week (at least for me) or months of uni and will most likely be needing to use the internet more than during easter when most went back home. 

Pretty stupid if you ask me.  

Wednesday 25 April 2012


This morning i handed in my last essay for this (academic) year, it was brilliant. I can now relax for a bit before starting revision for an exam on 17th May, then that will be it hopefully for this year until i start uni again in september.

However there is one downside today and that is the rain. I got completely soaked and had water/rain all up my jeans by the time i got back to the flat after going to the uni and then walking around town. I had to buy some new clothes as some of mine are going to be thrown away as the are too big now and i also had to buy my friends bday pressies and card as she will be 21 and the 1st. I hope she'll like them.

Some parcels that came yesterday for me at my mums will soon be posted and i will have them to help keep me occupied for a short while. So its been an alright week so far and i have a revision lecture tomorrow morning, have to hand in a cheque for rent and go back to new look possibly.

On a side note i havent forgotten that a story will be coming up on the blog, ive just been a bit busy until now so one will be appearing by the end of the week once i pick one.

Friday 20 April 2012


Got two of my book orders today, so im still waiting for the last one and hoping it comes before i go back to uni so that i can read it while im there.

The books that came today include the first in the ghost hunter mystery books by Victoria Laurie, i will admit to having already read this book as an ebook so i know what is going to happen in it already but i still love it and find parts of it funny. The other books that came are the first and third in the aisling (forgot the last part now) somthing books by Katie MacAlister. I havent read any of these yay new books for me, but i have read samples/excerpts from them and i am looking forward to reading them when i get round to it.

Laptop keeps over heating so i am counting down the days until i get my money put in the bank in 3 days time, if studentfinance are on time with getting the money out anyway.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


Got my orders yesterday, which were my saucepans, and the day before yesterday which was my new dinner set. Took me awhile to get the dinner set out of the boxes that it came in, it was very tightly packed and in need of a wash. Luckily both were in very good condition considering they both came through delivery vans, and though they generally are careful with items some that my mum has ordered before and came that way turned out to be broken on the inside once she checked them out.

Also i have once again been spending, on books this time as i will be needing something to do when i go back to uni until the time of my exam. Fortuantly they were quite cheap on ebay and i ended up getting 4 books and from two different series that i had had trouble getting a hold of in book stores, which i thought was quite good the only problem with one set of books that i bought, even though it was sold as a set of 2, the books were the first and third in the series so i just have to find the 2nd cheap if i can. But the other 2 books bought are the fisrt and second of that set.

I have to say that reading about all my spending makes it sound like i have loads of money but i really dont and some of what i spend money on is for what i need and not what i want, although i do do that as well.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Harry's Master again

Just thought i'd let every one know that the story Harrys Master that i put up a couple of months ago i believe, is now being rewritten and the first 2 chapters have been uploaded onto fanfiction if anyone is interested in reading this new version.

Link is below if yoy want to go to directly:

Friday 13 April 2012


Went shopping today, technically it was online and i was just reserving but still shopping, at argos. I decided to spend some of my remaining birthday money on a very nice heart shaped silver locket with an amathyst in the centre, which is also heart shaped.

I decided on this necklace over another that is saw and liked as i have always wanted a locket but never got one or seen one that i particularly liked but with this one i did, obviously i did buy it, although now that i have bought it i just realised how many pieces of jewelery i own that are heart shaped. Maybe i just like the shape ot something as i can now say that i own 4 heart shaped necklaces, and that includes this new one, and one ring that i also heart shaped, which means that most of the jewelery i have is heart shaped because i dont have that much really.

Thursday 12 April 2012


I have found out that i actually had more money in my bank than what i first assumed, turns out the travelodge took money out when i booked the room and i thought they took after i checked in/out. But nevermind, turns out that this was a good thing as i have been browsing ebay and decided to treat myself to a new dinner set, a 16 piece square one with mugs, and a 5 piece non-stick pan set.

Both are really nice sets, the dinner set is white with this sandy brown design going down one side of the plates and going round the top of the bowls and mugs, and the pan set is in a nice cream colour with black handles. I was tempted to get them in the red but after looking at the pics available decided it was a weird red colour and i wasnt sure if, when i actually see them, if they were a slightly different red to the pics cos sometimes pictures can be misleading.

Should be getting them soon, within a weeks time i believe so i cant wait and i'll let you all know what they look like in person and not pictures that ive seen.

On a side note, still no word bout my exam result from january. Its taking too long in my opinion.

Wednesday 11 April 2012


Ok, this story post is gonna be a little bit different as i can now no longer just click blog on the website. I've been trying to find if one of the symbols would make it come on here like normal, but it seems that this way is not meant to be anymore.

So, this story chosen today is one of a series and its a read the books one but with a twist really, not gonna say much more than that but it was written by honksfan4life if you want to go on fanfiction and type the author in if not the link  below:

There are four completed books and one in progress, there is only one chapter done so far for book number 5.

Hope you enjoy!!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Story time

I have only just realised that i will be putting a story on here this week, unfortuantly i cant decide which one so it may be up a bit later than the other ones have been put on the blog. Sorry if any one wanted to know what i was putting up and wanting to read it.

In other news, my laptop has once again started playing up, and by that i mean it has been freezing. Twice so far it has completely frozen and it took me several times pressing the power button to turn it off, not very reassuring i can tell you, and it has twice today alone briefly frozen when i've been in the middle of doing something. Those times are just annoying but i can live with them, the happenings have also made me look at what netbook i'm definately going to be buying in 13 days time (yes i have been counting down til i get my loan and grant) so im looking for to that and at least i wont have to worry so much if something happens to this laptop if im writing an essay or something along those lines anyway.

Talk soon and look out for a new post some time this week of the story im putting up.

Friday 6 April 2012


I hate being ill, its really annoying to be honest especially when trying to do things and all i feel is tired or sluggish in a way making it, not hard or difficult but i suppose more annoying or irritating to do those things really, such as eating. It's quite annoying or in this case i suppose hard, to breathe and eat at the same time while having a blocked up nose meaning i have to breathe through my mouth. 

To be honest i dont even know how i got this cold as i certainly didnt have it when i went to the concert or the day or so after but as soon as i get to my mum house i end up getting it, its weird and like i may have mentioned before annoying. i just hope it goes away soon enough as i cant breathe properly and i keep sneezing.

To end this post i think i have just one thing to say (not one word, but several):
                           I HATE BEING ILL!!