Friday 27 April 2012

Internet Problems

At the moment the internet is cutting in and out everyday and has done since i came back to the flat. This means that i am only getting internet for brief periods of time, which is very annoying as i tend to be in the middle of something when it decides to go, so i have no idea when i will have internet or for how long but i still will try and find a story to put up hopefully today but if not it may be tomorrow instead.

The reason for the internet cutting in and out is that virgin are updating broadband to make it faster or something like that. Why they couldnt have done while everyone was off for easter, i dont know as it would have made more sense and be more convenient if it was as most people have moved back in for the last few week (at least for me) or months of uni and will most likely be needing to use the internet more than during easter when most went back home. 

Pretty stupid if you ask me.  

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