Wednesday 25 April 2012


This morning i handed in my last essay for this (academic) year, it was brilliant. I can now relax for a bit before starting revision for an exam on 17th May, then that will be it hopefully for this year until i start uni again in september.

However there is one downside today and that is the rain. I got completely soaked and had water/rain all up my jeans by the time i got back to the flat after going to the uni and then walking around town. I had to buy some new clothes as some of mine are going to be thrown away as the are too big now and i also had to buy my friends bday pressies and card as she will be 21 and the 1st. I hope she'll like them.

Some parcels that came yesterday for me at my mums will soon be posted and i will have them to help keep me occupied for a short while. So its been an alright week so far and i have a revision lecture tomorrow morning, have to hand in a cheque for rent and go back to new look possibly.

On a side note i havent forgotten that a story will be coming up on the blog, ive just been a bit busy until now so one will be appearing by the end of the week once i pick one.

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