Monday 30 April 2012

Rain, Rain, Rain.

Just heard some thunder about 30 mins ago, i hate thunder and i am glad that i didnt see any lightning either as i dont particularly like it either. I dont think that sentence made much sense but nevermind. Most of the time its been cold or raining or both together lately, although today was warm and sunny until i heard the rain and thunder tonight. I also hear that it will be raining tomorrow and im going out to visit a friend as it will ber her 21st. Should be fun. And on Wednesday im going out again to pick up a parcel, if it arrives on time, and again on Friday hopefully.
Just hope it doesnt rain then otherwise i would be/get very wet and look kinda like a drowned rat while some how smelling like a wet dog. I noticed this once several years ago when my mum picked me up from school and it had been raining, so i obviously got wet (drowned rat) and got in the car only to smell wet dog but we didnt own one nor had i touched one so im assuming it came from me some how or it just likened the smell to that of a wet dog.   

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