Friday 6 April 2012


I hate being ill, its really annoying to be honest especially when trying to do things and all i feel is tired or sluggish in a way making it, not hard or difficult but i suppose more annoying or irritating to do those things really, such as eating. It's quite annoying or in this case i suppose hard, to breathe and eat at the same time while having a blocked up nose meaning i have to breathe through my mouth. 

To be honest i dont even know how i got this cold as i certainly didnt have it when i went to the concert or the day or so after but as soon as i get to my mum house i end up getting it, its weird and like i may have mentioned before annoying. i just hope it goes away soon enough as i cant breathe properly and i keep sneezing.

To end this post i think i have just one thing to say (not one word, but several):
                           I HATE BEING ILL!!

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