Friday 21 December 2012

Excuses, excuses...

I do have a really good excuse for not keeping up with posts and that would be me;
A. being busy
B. Posting on another blog - not personal
C. University.

Technically points B and C go together in that the blog was an assignment for university in which i needed to work with a group and do some research on a topic of our choosing. It went rather well i believe and hopefully we get a really good mark for it.

Soo not looking forward to the next one which is after xmas and is an individual one. Im really not gonna do that well on it. I can tell already as i have no idea what i want to do for it.

Hope everyone is doing well and i will post back in a few days time.

Tiger x


Wow its been a long time since ive done this. But hopefully i can start putting more posts up regularly now or regularly for me anyway.

I believe that i did put up a post several months ago about a female harry potter and percy jackson crossover. With Fem Harry as a daughter of posoiden (cnt spell) and i thought that i would put the sequel for that up now.

The sequel is contains Percy and the Gods and is the start of the Lightning thief.


Tuesday 16 October 2012

Second webby...


I am now putting up the second website that had stories on it that i have read and i enjoyed these as well and hope that you all will.

Like with the first website i put up on the blog there is a mix of fanfic from which these stories come from and just like the other the warning is the same as they do involve spanking and possibly other aspects (havent read them all) and may not be suitable for young readers.


Wednesday 3 October 2012

The first site.

The first website/reading that i am putting up is by an author called Snow White. The stories on the website are fanfics and the are a few different ones on there. One aspects of her stories is spanking. So if you dont like then please dont read and then complain to me about it cos you didnt read the warnings.

The link to the site is:

I found it and others. Yay!

In my last post i mentioned that i was looking for a website that had some really good stories on it. Well i have just found it and some of the guest authors mentioned on it also have some really good stories so i finally have more material to blog for the readings that i put up.

Most of the stories though might be a bit different to what i have put n before so do please read any warnings that may be linked to the stories posted on the site that i will be putting up in a post and on the links part with the other website links that i have on the blog.

Monday 24 September 2012

So so so SORRY!!

I am so sorry that i havent been blogging for awhile but i have been trying to sort things out with Uni as some problems came up that needed to be fixed and sorted out and i am still waiting for an email about one of the problems.

Another reason i havent blogged is due to some stories that i have wanted to reread seem to have dissappeared or i cant remember the name of them, which is rather annoying. As well as a website that had really good fic and fanfic stories, that i have been trying to find again but not really having much luck on that.

For the story posts i will be adding a few sometime this week probs from different sites and some may be for over 18's. No offence if some of my readers are younger than that but as i am nearly 21 (5 mnths to go) i do tend to read stuff that may not be suitable for all ages.

If anyone has any sites that they have been on and want to share with others just send me a comment or email if able and i will see what i can do about putting it up on the blog.

Thank You and Sorry once again.

Tiger x 

Wednesday 8 August 2012


I officially hate enrolling.

Might not have liked it much before as it sometimes confused me but i now hate it. This is because i have to redo one of my modules at uni, and i tried submitting that selection as it is the only one that i can do but it doesnt seem to want to go really. It really loves letting me know that it wont take it and it got slightly annoying the first 3 tries and about this time i was getting slightly pissed off at it (excuse my french), and just abit upset as it wasnt going and all i kept getting was Submission failed in lovely red letters.

Yeah not the best experience ive had with enrolling especially as i cant do any of the other modules without completing this one first so to say that its failing is rather annoying, frustrating and down right pissing me off (again i apologise for my french).

I hope others are having a better time at it than me.

Second Reading Post

So welcome to the second reading post as promised, even if a bit late because of my absentmindedness (i hope that really is all one word).

Didnt really hav all that much picked out for this post when i started writing it but i think i have found a nice story, well i liked it. This is another Harry Potter story but all by itself this time. Its a Bill Weasley/Harry Potter one and is fairly new, only 4 chapter so far but as the Forgotten Daughter in the last post this one also gets updated regularly.

It seems to be quite good so far and I hope you all enjoy it as well.

Before i forget the link is not for Fanfic but it can be found on there as well.


Monday 6 August 2012

First Reading Post

Ok so this is the first reading post that i promised would be posted. Took a bit longer than planned as i had to remember if i had already used certain stories and which ones were still available to read out of all the ones i could have chosen.

The story i have chosen for this post is a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter combo. Harry in this is female and called Melinda who is also older than Percy. I believe its after the first or second chapter that you end up reading about Melinda's life throughout hogwarts and how she met her father Posoiden and grams Hecate.

It is a very good read and does seem to get updated rather regularly, so i have obviously recommended it to all of you.

I hope you enjoy it and be on the look out for the next post which will *fingers crossed* be out later today.


Saturday 4 August 2012


Wow, i didnt think it had been quite this long since i last wrote a post but it seems it has. Sorry about that, but i did try to write a post last week i think it was but there were a few problems to contend with.

The first would be that there was something wrong with the server so i couldnt even get on to the website much less write a post. So i decided to leave it awhile and try again.

The second would be that i forgot. Yep i forgot to check if i can get on the website so i could write my lovely post (the contents of which has completely gone out of my mind. Sorry. Cnt have been that good really or i would remember it) for something or rather.

The third would be my laptop. It hasonce again decided to be a pest and shutdown due to what i like to think of as overheating. At least im assuming its that and not some other problem that involves my laptop to have a slight, power cut type shutown.

The fourth of which is i was really worrying about my results which i recieved and was slightly dissappointed with actually. So i really did not feel upto posting anything.

Sooo if any of you lovely reader were waiting for the nxt story post i will be posting two reading posts. Not sure when but most likely tomorrow and not completely sure on what, i have an idea but i have a feeling i may have already posted it before, meaning i need to double check that before i do any posting.

Be on the lookout and i am really really sorry. Hope to write again soon.
Tiger xx

Thursday 19 July 2012

Like Promised.

Like i promised, the post for the next story or in this case author. I really enjoy this authors stories or one-shots as they are funny even though there may be angst or hurt or different aspect within the story which just makes them better, as it breaks up the tension or feelings within the stories and makes them happy i spose.

There are a few stories to choose from with this author and the ones i have read include both one-shot stories which may/or may not have a sequel to them. Some are over one chapter for those  who may want something longer to read.

Most of the stories i have seen on their profile so far are Supernatural ones, so if you dont like supernatural then sorry. I would like to point out again (i did mention this in a previous post) that i havent even watched supernatural and have enjoyed and pieced together certain things within the supernatural world. Meaning i have been able to follow what happens or is happening or what has happened quite well, just in case some of you were worried about that.

Okay so the link is:

I'm Back!!

Sorry i havent been blogging lately but i was on holiday and even though i got back last week i still had to redo some assignments from uni that needed to be done pronto. I just hoped i passed them this time as i really dont want to repeat the year again, cos that would just suck. Big time.

I also realize that i have missed a story being put up and i am really sorry bout that but i thought i would have time to do so after i got back from scarborough, but alas i didnt. But dont worry to make up for that i will be posting an author as a story would also have been posted this week. That means more stories for you to read if u so desire.

Hope everyone had as lovely a week as i did at the begining of the month, i was enjoying the lovely rain and wind whilst on holiday. Lovely. Certainly made my holiday that much better, nearly getting wet most of the time and having to come back a day early as roads were being closed due to flooding but nevermind. I still had fun.

Reading post will be up soo, so keep a look out.

Thursday 28 June 2012


Haha. I have finally decided on one of the stories that i will be posting the link to, stilll deciding on the second.

Right so this story is again from fanfic but is a Harry.P and Supernatural crossover called Creep. I dont normally read these as i havent watched Supernatural so may not understand some references to series and episodes but i do well enough.

I found this story quite funny and i hope you do as well.

So the link is:

Monday 25 June 2012


I will be putting up a story dont worry, but the one i was going to put up has been taken off by FanFic so i am trying to figure out which ones are gone that i have read and from the ones that havent been taken off, i am trying to pick one.

I have been doing this while doing uni work as i only have bout 2 weeks to get it all done so it is slow going but it will be done so either later today or sometime this week there will be a new post up with the story i have chosen for last week.

Hope this is ok and sorry again.

Tiger xx

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Archive of Our Own

Archive of Our Own has been added to the links under My Fave Sites list if anyone wants to check it out.

Many of the HP stories have been added to this site after being taken down from FanFic.

It looks like a really good site and looks neater in a way than FanFic.

Just thought i would let you all know and hope you enjoy!!

Uni Results

So i got my results on sat 16th, passed all but three assignments but that wasnt to much of a surprise really as i was expecting them in a way and am glad for it as well. No im not weird for thinking/feeling this as i recentl had one resit and tutorials for the other two and i passed my presentation this time and i got help on my essays that i need to re do, so hopefully i will pass them this time as i really dont want to have to do them again.

At the moment i am back at my flat at uni and will be going back home to re do them as i dont have the money to stay here and i am going on holiday sometime at the end of June beginning of July time, so i really cannot stay here.

If anyone else got results back or a gettin them back Good Luck and I hope you did/do well.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

New Stuff Added

I have added two new gadgets to the layout of the blog one of these is the translate gadget which should be a help to those who may not be all that good at english especially if it isnt your first language/tongue.

The second gadget is my fave sites and two of those site added so far may not be for young readers due to the content however only LJs has warning about the age before you can read any of the books.

Also both Rolf and Ranger and LJ may not be suitable for everyone which does include age and preferences in stories and the genre/content of those stories.

Just thought i would warn you there, so read at your own risk.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Updated some posts

I have just updated all the story posts with a picture so everyone will know that, that particular post is to do with a story or as i may do an author who i love onl fanfic.

There are other sites that i read stories from and i may put those up as well and add them to the blog.

The pic used is the one shown below:
Hope this helps you, if you want to read a story post or ignore it and wait god knows how long for an ordinary one. This should also help everyone to differentiate the different types of posts that i have.

The Days of a Flower

This post is not about a flower or the days in which this flower develops but it is in fact another story.

Its a Sev and Harry story where Sev takes Harry in and looks after him when he is only about 2 days old or so (i think). Its a good story and slightly humorous in certain situations that Sev finds himself in whilst looking after and bringing Harry up.

The link is: 

Hope you enjoy and Happy reading!!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

10 days to go...

In only 10 days time, my online results will be available to look at for this year uni yr marks. That sentence just sounds so weird and probably doesnt sound like it make sense but it does. Basically i get my results back online and hopefully i will have passed the assignment that i havent got marks back for yet as i already know tht i have referred on one piece already and have to redo it.

I am looking forward to getting them back as i will be able to see how well i did but at the same time i dont incase i have to redo any more assignments which could be very likely and i really dont want to.

I am sure that many people feel this way when it comes to any sort of results that they are waiting for and i no tht we always probably will feel this longing to know what we got and a longing to not know which all turns into anxiety/anxiousness as well as nervesousness and excitement. But once we have read them its always with relief that its over and may include happiness if done well or sadness that if crap basically.

Hopefully with me it is the former rather than the latter.

Saturday 2 June 2012


Before i sign off and go do other stuff for today i thought i would tell you all that i will be posting another story next week as this weeks one was meant for last week and i really dont want to be changing the weeks that i will be putting a new one up for you all.

Happy reading!

Account on Fanfic

Hi everyone,
 Just thought i would let you all know that i have recently made an account on which i have been adding my fave stories and authors to make it easier for not only me to get to them but also you lot if you so desire.

I will be trying to update it regularly as i do have a lot of stories i have previously read to find and add to my favourites list. I will also still be carrying on with putting a story on the blog but if you dont like waiting for me to add one you can just find my account and look at stories from there.

Hope you enjoy the stories as much as i have and if you do want to look at my account its called Tiger-Lill1es. Which yes i know is similiar to the account/profile name that i have for this blog. It also has the same avatar/profile pic.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Some people...

Some people can be really stupid. Well its either that or they have no life. I have just been on fanfiction and most of the stories that i read could be deleted all because an idiotic person with no life (obviously if they're doing this) is going to report people writing these stories all because apparently they believe that it is plagerism. It isnt if it is clearly stated that those writing read to book stories are not taking the credit for J.K's work and if it is stated that it isnt theirs.

I mean how boring most their life be to actually say that they are going to report these stories which probs take up about a 1/4 if not slightly more of the stories in the harry potter section in the harry.p character selection and even then there could be some in other character selections and i dont think fanfiction will actually take them off as some authors only write the * harry potter books* stories.

Sorry about that i just really needed to rant and i could end doing another post of ranting about this. Sorry.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Better late than never

I am so sorry that i forgot to put a story up last week but im doing it now before i forget again. This time though i couldnt think of only one story so i have decided to give you all the link to an author whose stories i absolutley love and cant get enough of. I think that i may have read if not all then close to it. I hope you all enjoy this authors stories as much as i did and still do and you can pick which one you would prefer to read.

The link is:


Wednesday 23 May 2012


My mum has just bought a puppy today. A King Charles Cavalier, who is 8 weeks old and absolutley adorable. Mum has named her Bella and i think it suits her nicely. Bella, ive found loves laying or sitting either on or by my feet and loves being cuddled on someone.

At the moment she is in her cage/bed in the kitchen for the night and she only cried for about 10-20 mins maybe not even that, so thats quite good as it means we will all be able to sleep tonight without any crying. Wonder what tomorrow will bring.

(pic of a king charles-similar colouring to Bella)

Monday 21 May 2012

Home and Sleep.

I have now been home for a few days now and its nice being back and not worrying to much about money (which i still am slightly) making food and uni work. I mainly read all day now which is rather enjoyable unless i have read everything that i want to or currently waiting for a new book to be posted and delivered. When this happens, for instance now, i tend to get bored rather quickly as i have nothing to do and i am a tad impatient so i sorta want my new books now and not wait a few days or possibly week(s) to get them as i am at the moment. But nevermind they will come when they come.

Also my sleep lately has been weird and wacked and any other word you may have for it. I have no idea why this is but i havent been going to sleep until early the next morning for example there was one night where i didnt go to sleep until around half eight in the morning, another would be half seven, seven, half six, six, half five, half four, four. I think you get the idea, its early, so therefore i havent been waking up til the afternoon some time around two or after noon really, but i will still be quite tired when i do wake up which make the situation even more annoying to me.

Friday 11 May 2012

Blood Matters

This is a story called blood matters where it turns out Harry is not a Potter at all and belongs to a different family who are still alive.

This story may only have three chapters so far but it is beautifully written and i love it. Whoever does decide to read this will not be dissapointed with it.

The link is:

Monday 7 May 2012


Revision. Everyone most do it at some point in their life and for me it seems over half of my life so far. It actually hasnt cos  im not that old yet but still it seems for the last several years at some point during each year i will have to revise and i dont particularly enjoy it. This is because i can never remember the parts that are needed the most and tend to remember what isnt needed but was suggested.

I would be doing revision, well more than what i planned on, during the next week until the 17th as this is when my exam is. But all the books that were suggested to look at are no longer in the library or if there is one its a reference only meaning i cant take it out of the library. That can get very annoying to honest.

Oh well im sure i will make do with what i have to revise from. Just have to wait and find out if it will be enough.

(On a side note this is my 50th post. YAY!!)

Hee Hee

Hee hee hee...I have just looked at my emails and there is one from new look saying I have 5 days left to collect a parcel before it will be cancelled and I will be refunded. I find this quite funny as I have already picked up the parcel a few days ago but it doesnt seem like they realise this, but nevermind i'm sure new look will sort themselves out soon enough. Hee hee hee. So funny!!

Friday 4 May 2012


Thought i would let everyone know that i have just updated my profile if anyone wants to find out a little more about me and my interests.

If you have any questions about what is written on there please post a comment on to this post and i will read it and reply back.

Thanx Tiger

Thursday 3 May 2012

New Look

A couple of days ago, more like a few really, i ordered some clothes from new look as i couldnt see them when i went in to the shop, but i ordered them on seperate days. One order was done on 29th and the other 30th (April) and one of them is ready to be collected and has been since yesterday however i havent yet recieved an email saying that my 30th April order has been sent as i did with 29th April order. So at the moment im worrying about that as tomorrow is supposed to be the first collection time for the parcel and i am planning on going out to pick them up and do some food shopping as well.

I just hope that it will be there when i go in tomorrow and am glad that they hold parcels for ten days. I'll let you all know if the parcel is there. *fingers crossed*

Monday 30 April 2012

Rain, Rain, Rain.

Just heard some thunder about 30 mins ago, i hate thunder and i am glad that i didnt see any lightning either as i dont particularly like it either. I dont think that sentence made much sense but nevermind. Most of the time its been cold or raining or both together lately, although today was warm and sunny until i heard the rain and thunder tonight. I also hear that it will be raining tomorrow and im going out to visit a friend as it will ber her 21st. Should be fun. And on Wednesday im going out again to pick up a parcel, if it arrives on time, and again on Friday hopefully.
Just hope it doesnt rain then otherwise i would be/get very wet and look kinda like a drowned rat while some how smelling like a wet dog. I noticed this once several years ago when my mum picked me up from school and it had been raining, so i obviously got wet (drowned rat) and got in the car only to smell wet dog but we didnt own one nor had i touched one so im assuming it came from me some how or it just likened the smell to that of a wet dog.   

Saturday 28 April 2012

New story!

The new story has just been posted and yes i do realise that it is a day later than what i said it would be. The reason for that is the internet has finally stopped cutting in and out so i've been connected since this morning with no breaks. YAY!!

Internet doesnt seem that much faster though but never mind as long as it doesnt go again i'll be happy.

Road to Recovery

I've just chosen a story from fanfiction. Its only got about 10 chapters written at this time but is updated fairly quickly and i found this a good story to read.

Again its a Harry Potter one, but this is a story where Harry is sent to Azkaban when he was 15. I've read ones like this before and i believe this is one of the better stories, no offense to the other authors and their stories.

The link to this is:

Happy Reading!!

Friday 27 April 2012

Internet Problems

At the moment the internet is cutting in and out everyday and has done since i came back to the flat. This means that i am only getting internet for brief periods of time, which is very annoying as i tend to be in the middle of something when it decides to go, so i have no idea when i will have internet or for how long but i still will try and find a story to put up hopefully today but if not it may be tomorrow instead.

The reason for the internet cutting in and out is that virgin are updating broadband to make it faster or something like that. Why they couldnt have done while everyone was off for easter, i dont know as it would have made more sense and be more convenient if it was as most people have moved back in for the last few week (at least for me) or months of uni and will most likely be needing to use the internet more than during easter when most went back home. 

Pretty stupid if you ask me.  

Wednesday 25 April 2012


This morning i handed in my last essay for this (academic) year, it was brilliant. I can now relax for a bit before starting revision for an exam on 17th May, then that will be it hopefully for this year until i start uni again in september.

However there is one downside today and that is the rain. I got completely soaked and had water/rain all up my jeans by the time i got back to the flat after going to the uni and then walking around town. I had to buy some new clothes as some of mine are going to be thrown away as the are too big now and i also had to buy my friends bday pressies and card as she will be 21 and the 1st. I hope she'll like them.

Some parcels that came yesterday for me at my mums will soon be posted and i will have them to help keep me occupied for a short while. So its been an alright week so far and i have a revision lecture tomorrow morning, have to hand in a cheque for rent and go back to new look possibly.

On a side note i havent forgotten that a story will be coming up on the blog, ive just been a bit busy until now so one will be appearing by the end of the week once i pick one.

Friday 20 April 2012


Got two of my book orders today, so im still waiting for the last one and hoping it comes before i go back to uni so that i can read it while im there.

The books that came today include the first in the ghost hunter mystery books by Victoria Laurie, i will admit to having already read this book as an ebook so i know what is going to happen in it already but i still love it and find parts of it funny. The other books that came are the first and third in the aisling (forgot the last part now) somthing books by Katie MacAlister. I havent read any of these yay new books for me, but i have read samples/excerpts from them and i am looking forward to reading them when i get round to it.

Laptop keeps over heating so i am counting down the days until i get my money put in the bank in 3 days time, if studentfinance are on time with getting the money out anyway.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


Got my orders yesterday, which were my saucepans, and the day before yesterday which was my new dinner set. Took me awhile to get the dinner set out of the boxes that it came in, it was very tightly packed and in need of a wash. Luckily both were in very good condition considering they both came through delivery vans, and though they generally are careful with items some that my mum has ordered before and came that way turned out to be broken on the inside once she checked them out.

Also i have once again been spending, on books this time as i will be needing something to do when i go back to uni until the time of my exam. Fortuantly they were quite cheap on ebay and i ended up getting 4 books and from two different series that i had had trouble getting a hold of in book stores, which i thought was quite good the only problem with one set of books that i bought, even though it was sold as a set of 2, the books were the first and third in the series so i just have to find the 2nd cheap if i can. But the other 2 books bought are the fisrt and second of that set.

I have to say that reading about all my spending makes it sound like i have loads of money but i really dont and some of what i spend money on is for what i need and not what i want, although i do do that as well.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Harry's Master again

Just thought i'd let every one know that the story Harrys Master that i put up a couple of months ago i believe, is now being rewritten and the first 2 chapters have been uploaded onto fanfiction if anyone is interested in reading this new version.

Link is below if yoy want to go to directly:

Friday 13 April 2012


Went shopping today, technically it was online and i was just reserving but still shopping, at argos. I decided to spend some of my remaining birthday money on a very nice heart shaped silver locket with an amathyst in the centre, which is also heart shaped.

I decided on this necklace over another that is saw and liked as i have always wanted a locket but never got one or seen one that i particularly liked but with this one i did, obviously i did buy it, although now that i have bought it i just realised how many pieces of jewelery i own that are heart shaped. Maybe i just like the shape ot something as i can now say that i own 4 heart shaped necklaces, and that includes this new one, and one ring that i also heart shaped, which means that most of the jewelery i have is heart shaped because i dont have that much really.

Thursday 12 April 2012


I have found out that i actually had more money in my bank than what i first assumed, turns out the travelodge took money out when i booked the room and i thought they took after i checked in/out. But nevermind, turns out that this was a good thing as i have been browsing ebay and decided to treat myself to a new dinner set, a 16 piece square one with mugs, and a 5 piece non-stick pan set.

Both are really nice sets, the dinner set is white with this sandy brown design going down one side of the plates and going round the top of the bowls and mugs, and the pan set is in a nice cream colour with black handles. I was tempted to get them in the red but after looking at the pics available decided it was a weird red colour and i wasnt sure if, when i actually see them, if they were a slightly different red to the pics cos sometimes pictures can be misleading.

Should be getting them soon, within a weeks time i believe so i cant wait and i'll let you all know what they look like in person and not pictures that ive seen.

On a side note, still no word bout my exam result from january. Its taking too long in my opinion.

Wednesday 11 April 2012


Ok, this story post is gonna be a little bit different as i can now no longer just click blog on the website. I've been trying to find if one of the symbols would make it come on here like normal, but it seems that this way is not meant to be anymore.

So, this story chosen today is one of a series and its a read the books one but with a twist really, not gonna say much more than that but it was written by honksfan4life if you want to go on fanfiction and type the author in if not the link  below:

There are four completed books and one in progress, there is only one chapter done so far for book number 5.

Hope you enjoy!!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Story time

I have only just realised that i will be putting a story on here this week, unfortuantly i cant decide which one so it may be up a bit later than the other ones have been put on the blog. Sorry if any one wanted to know what i was putting up and wanting to read it.

In other news, my laptop has once again started playing up, and by that i mean it has been freezing. Twice so far it has completely frozen and it took me several times pressing the power button to turn it off, not very reassuring i can tell you, and it has twice today alone briefly frozen when i've been in the middle of doing something. Those times are just annoying but i can live with them, the happenings have also made me look at what netbook i'm definately going to be buying in 13 days time (yes i have been counting down til i get my loan and grant) so im looking for to that and at least i wont have to worry so much if something happens to this laptop if im writing an essay or something along those lines anyway.

Talk soon and look out for a new post some time this week of the story im putting up.

Friday 6 April 2012


I hate being ill, its really annoying to be honest especially when trying to do things and all i feel is tired or sluggish in a way making it, not hard or difficult but i suppose more annoying or irritating to do those things really, such as eating. It's quite annoying or in this case i suppose hard, to breathe and eat at the same time while having a blocked up nose meaning i have to breathe through my mouth. 

To be honest i dont even know how i got this cold as i certainly didnt have it when i went to the concert or the day or so after but as soon as i get to my mum house i end up getting it, its weird and like i may have mentioned before annoying. i just hope it goes away soon enough as i cant breathe properly and i keep sneezing.

To end this post i think i have just one thing to say (not one word, but several):
                           I HATE BEING ILL!!

Friday 30 March 2012


The concert yesterday was amazing, i loved it, apart from when me and my friend started in the mosh pit that i didnt enjoy so much, got crushed too many times and couldnt breathe. We ended up watching the rest of the concert behind this metal bar in the stadium, we could still see which was quite good.

The doors were opened at 7pm and the first act, the skints, started at 7:15pm while people were still coming in. The 2nd act was mayday parade and the 3rd act was kids in glass houses. They were amazing and are one of the bands that i listent to alot, it really was brilliant. After kids in glass houses, you me at six finally came on, after about a 10 min break, and they were amazing and made it into a really good show. I loved all the songs that they sang as well and my absolute fave crash, right at the end. I LOVED IT!!

The concert finished bout 11pm and it was quite a wait in getting out of the arena area, went to the shop in the stadium and bought my self a nice tshirt for £20 which i didnt find to bad and i really needed one as well, cos i forgot to pack a spare one. 

It was a really good night and i enjoyed myself immensley.

Monday 26 March 2012

Make Me Feel Safe

This story is a little different to the other ones that i have put up on this blog and that is because Make Me Feel Safe is a Harry Potter crossover with Twilight. I did mention that it was different.

This is a HP and Jasper Hale story in which HP gets de-aged to a baby and is found on the Cullens doorstep. Draco Malfoy is also within this story and gets de-aged as well however that pairing is slightly surprising in a way. Not what i would have thought. I enjoyed this story and i hope that whoever reads it enjoys it themselves. 

Make Me Feel Safe To Much Stress, a Harry Potter and Twilight crossover fanfic - FanFiction.Net

Sunday 25 March 2012

Stressed out

I'm starting to feel a little stressed out lately what with writing essays one due on tues 27th and the other i found out is due on fri 30th which is good as i have abit more time writing that one. But i also have to pack what im taking back with me, making sur i do have enough money to pay for food shopping until wednesday and that the money for the travelodge is still in my bank and that i havent accidently spent any of it. So i have a lot going on and even more so that i still havent got my exam result from january which is making me a bit pissed to be precise as its nearly easter now, i've missed a tutorial session for another essay due after easter and i have also missed the first revision session for my safeguarding exam in may. Not good really and i dont think any one can really blame me for missing it as i overslept due to finishing an essay the night (more like that morning-reeaalyy early that morning) before and after i did hand it in i ended up falling asleep til bout 2-3pm that day. 

But other than all that i've wrote bout above im quite looking forward to easter break and relaxing for abit whilst writing my last essay of the year- hopefully the last any way as i dont really want to redo any of them. Took to long the first time round.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

One down..

So thats one essay done and just needs to be handed in tomorrow before noon, should be easy enough to do. All that i've got left is the last two essays that need to be done and handed in next week before i can rela for a week or so before starting the next one which is due after the easter holidays when i come back to uni.

On a brighter note i go to my concert next week and i cant wait, i just need to remember to print off my tickets and make sure i have enough money in the bank to pay for the travelodge rooms that me and my friend have booked. I'll write a post telling everyone how it went when i get back from it.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


I'm so sorry that i havent written a post yet but my laptop or the internet depending on how you look at it wouldn't load the new post part on this blog enabling me to well write a new one do sorry for that.

But on to the original post that i was going to put up a few days ago my laptop for some strange reason has decided that it will be lazy and therefore loading programmes and what not even moving the mouse on screen to click on part of a page is going slower than normal. Its quite irritating because im used to my laptop going generally fast and not taking long in doing stuff really so im a little bit irritable at the moment.

Its been a slow week for me as well and it is finally catching up to me that i have a 3000 word essay due on thursday - which is in 2  days - and i havent even got half way through it word wise and im already nearly half way through writing it generally as i only have one aspect left to write about in the first half before going on to the second. And i have another 2 essays to write as well as a scrapbook to finish for next week AND a concert to get ready for. So i have an eventful week or so coming up. Cant wait *enter the sarcasm*. 

On top of all that my mum is moving on thursday as well, which is good and my room will be the 2nd one to be decorated meaning that by the time i go back for easter hols it should be ready for me to sort all my stuff out. YAY!!.  

Monday 12 March 2012


Another fanfic story which again is a HP one. I read this i believe last year and i have been planning on putting this one up for a while and i have already chosen the nxt story to come up.
This story is a Bill Weasley and Harry story in which during the horcrux hunt hermione left and ron and harry ended up having sex really (cnt sensor it all tht well, so might as well be blunt) and harry ends up pregnant.
I think i'll leave the description there cnt fo giving it all away now can i. Its a really good read and one of my favourites.

Father Chapter 1: knocked up, a harry potter fanfic - FanFiction.Net

Sunday 11 March 2012


Ahh, the lovely world of e-bay, with all its delights that i want or some of it any way that unfortuantly i just cant afford. All though i did buy a cd for a reasonable price under £4, which i thought was a good deal and currently i am in the process of bidding for a netbook as my laptop is just a bit too heavy and big for me to be able to take into uni if i wanted to. I think my bidding is going well i've been outbid on one netbook but winning for another, hopefully i get one of them.

Its quite interesting i suppose, going on ebay for the first time as being a member and ordering something as my mum generally orders for me and i pay her back but since she is moving house soon i cant really do that. 

Hope i get my netbook (once i've won it) and cd soon, i can be quite impatient when i want to be (and when i dont).

Monday 5 March 2012


Essays. Lovely things arent they. You end up writing god knows how many of them during your time in education and now through uni, its still they same and in some aspects the writing has improved. Lots of practice during school in my opinion, it can now seem like teachers and schools were or even are gearing us up for a possible big herdle in our lives, University or for those who didnt make it college (or depending on what country your from i suppose as they may have different names for them). At uni i end up writing loads of essays, ok so maybe its not really that many and could just seem it but it is quite a few about three or four at a time for different modules, thats loads right especially if they are all 2,500 words each.

However one of the essays im in the middle of writing is 3000 words and i just hope that i'll have enough info to write that many since i cant find in my books an important piece of info that is needed as i will be writing about it. Luckily i still have time to write it, but i do have other pieces of work to do as well. 

I suppose i'll just have to wait and see how it goes really and hope for the best that everything will be done in time.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Animagi Fury

As promised the next story...

This is again a Harry Potter story, but it is a story in which Harry was taken in by the Greengrasses and is betrothed to Daphne Greengrass. Its a vary good and nice story as it shows Harry living and growing up within a wizarding home and developing the relationship between Daphne and himself as well as other characters. It does get quite interesting towards the more recent chapters as it is discovered that both Harry and Daphne are reincarnation of two very powerful people...

Here's the link and i'll let you figure out who they are!

Animagi Fury Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic - FanFiction.Net

Slow going...

I really am sorry but it seems i may have antoher rant about the internet here at my flat or to be technical the stupid student accommodation that i happen to live in. You see the internet went again yesterday night while i was in the middle of what i was doing and it p*ssed me off as i phoned the letting agents on sunday to complain about the internet going and it got fixed as it came back, so for it to ho again after what 4/5 days isnt good and im sure others would be annoyed as well. But internet is now going again but is going sorta slower than normal and it was really slow yesterday.

 What happened was that my laptop said i had internet access and there was no yellow triangle next to the picture depicting the internet so there was access, however when trying to go on to the next page on the website that i was on it came up saying it cannot connect. So i ended up pushing that lovely button saying 'diagnose connection problems' and it came back telling me tht there were no problems at all, so i clicked off the troubleshooter and it reloaded the page to come back and say the same thing 'cannot connect'. Now im sure that you can see why i may have been a little peeved at this and it lasted until this morning at bout 8:36 when it came on and stayed on. 

At the moment i am just hoping that it stays on. Also i will be putting the other story up today, i just need to find one that i read and rather liked. 

Thanx Tiger x    

Monday 27 February 2012


I had a doctors appointment today for just after 4pm, didnt turn out that way as people or the doctors other appointments ran over so i didnt end up seeing doctor until half hour maybe just over later. Not very pleased as i was sitting there for that long and there wasnt anyone or a sign or anything really saying that this was the case, i mean i have other things to do during the day than waste time in the doctors.

The reason that i went was because i had pains in my chest since last week and i wanted to make sure it was nothing serious and i was told tht i had to take a higher dosage of ibuprofen 3 times a day for two weeks and i also asked about a condition or disease if you will that i have and whether or not i could take anything for it as several yrs ago, technically only 3 as i was 17, i was told by my doctor that i ws too young. But i now have a 2 week perscription for the medication that i need to take for that as a trial bases to see if i have any side effects from it. After that who knows what will happen.

Friday 24 February 2012

Cinema and Every 2 Weeks

I have made plans with two of my friends to go to the cinema tomorrow. We're going to see the vow, it seems like its going to be good so hopefully it actually is. I'm quite looking forward to it as it will give me something to do and i can spend time with my friends really especially as i dont see these two as much as i do others at uni.

Also every two weeks as i have already started it on the 7th Feb, i will be putting up a story that i have read from fanfiction or other site if im allowed to. This will hopefully allow a little insight into my preferences and perhaps personality as well as allowing people to have something to read if they want to. Most of the stories will be Harry Potter based but i may put up ones from other books/films/tv shows. If anyone does have a story from a website that they have read and want to share just let me no by commenting back to this post and i'll see if i can put it up or not.

Thanx Tiger x  

Wednesday 22 February 2012


I got an email earlier in the day at about 10:45am i believe it was, from new look saying that my order was ready to be collected so i did while i was meant to be in a lecture but oh well, there is a reason why i didnt go and i will get to that later.

When i did pick up my lovely parcel, i ended up opening while walking through town on the way back to the flat, the packaging nearly flew away due to the wind which was quite nippy really. I have to say that i love my new bag and purse, the purse because even though it looks nice it can fit all my cards perfectly and the bag is quite big and really nice as well.

Right now on to the reason for not being at lecture. Well since yesterday afternoon, cant give a time, i started noticing a tightning in my chest which hurts quite a bit to be honest and i still have them today when i either breathe deeply or exhale, kinda like giving a loudish sigh, or move in a certain way it hurts. I'm hoping it goes away soon as it can and is getting on my nerves just a little and i really dont want to go to the doctors to find out why it hurts. See i had/have a valid reason for not going.   

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Student Finance

I am starting to get really annoyed with student finance at the moment. First i had to log in but couldnt remember my reference number so i retrieved it while completely forgetting what my password and secret question was, but i did get it. Then i had to request a new password and question as, as stated before, i had forgotten one or both of them and then i had to wait a while for the email. So after i had it all sorted out i started filling the form out and got to my parents part. Now this part is the main reason for the anoyance that i am experiencing as neither of them remember question, reference number and password making all that much harder for me.

Now we did write all this down somewhere but none of us can find the paper work that had it written on. Not good really. Hopefully we can either find it or get it sortef out soon, especially as my mum is gonna phone them tomorrow.  

Saturday 18 February 2012

Bella Potter - Philosophers Stone

As with Harry's Master this story comes from FanFiction, however this story is of a female Harry named Bella or Isabella i believe (i have read this one and am on Chamber of Secrets at the moment). This is set within 5th yr and shows a close or closer relationship between Sirius, Bella and Remus. I think this is a good read and any one who does like HP and reading should really think about this one!!

Bella Potter Reads Philosophers Stone Chapter 1: The Books Appear, a harry potter fanfic - FanFiction.Net

Uni and more shopping. Yay!!

I go back to uni on monday, only 3 days to go. I think it will be nice to go back as i will be able to see my friends again and meet u with them but im not looking forward to going back as i have assignments due not long after possible upto a month and i havent really wrote that much just over 200 words for one of them and i believe just under 200 for the other, not tht brilliant really but at least i have some time to finish them when i go back.

Also as the title mentions i have been shopping once again. I used the extra money that i gor refunded from a shop, they havent realised yet hee hee, and bought myself a new handbag and purse. The handbag because its nice and mine i find, although nice and have only had it for a yr, annoying on occasion as it has too many tassles hanging from it. The purse on the other hand i needed as my one at the moment wont holdall my cards properly so some of them are doubled up together making it hard to get the correct card out of my purse to use. Again really annoying. I also hope that they are nice, they looked it in the pics but you can never tell until you see for yourself really.  

Thursday 16 February 2012


I just love freebies. They mean that i dont need to pay for anything. The reason i am now posting bout freebies is that my eldest sister visited today and one of the convos we ended up on was freebies and how i applied to have some sent to me several weeks ago (i ended up getting bored one day and decided to look for free stuff). This conversation has now led me to look for even more so i have now joined websites where i can win stuff, earn points which can then lead into a prize such as a survey website as hopefully i may end up with something which could then help me as i dont have a lot of money and they could be great stuff. For example i entered a comp for;
  • a apple iphone 4 i believe it was,
  • a ipad 2
  • trip to new york for 2
  • Vouchers to shops and online retailers (mainly amazon)
I thought these where quite good things to go for orthey could be stuff that i just want really. I'll just have to see how it goes i guess.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


Phones are amazing things until they annoy you like mine for instance. I love my phone, its brilliant until it decides not to be through txt messages. By this i mean that i may be looking for a certain txt but i cnt find it in the conversation folder, where i know i had seen it there before but will b in my inbox which for some reason had messages within it tht i had deleted. So i ended up trying to delete some but my phone only allows me to do it one at a time so tht got quite tedious after a while so i changed my mind and started deleting coversations instead. However this while deleting a conversation from my mum the message tht i wanted which was from a different person got deleted, which made me wonder how the hell that happened.

The good thing though is that my contract ends in 6mnths so i have already started looking at phones and have seen a few that i like but have to look at and read more about them to properly decide what one im going to end up choosing. Hopefully it will work better and wont play up when i get it!

Sunday 12 February 2012


Since i forgot to write yesterday this is now that post, even if it is a bit late. On Friday 10th, i tried my new clothes on just to see if any needed to go back and luckily most of it fit, even though the pack of 3 long sleeve tops are just a bit see through meaning you can tell what colour bra im wearing most of the time, probably not so much with the black top although i could see that i was wearing a bra underneath it, and yes i know i normally wear a bra underneath my clothing. But i did send two items back; a pair of lilac leggings which were nice but abit too long in the leg seeing as im a 29" leg and i believe the leggings may have been a 32", which wasnt stated when i bought/ordered them; i also sent back one of the purple jumpers that they sent me, seeing as i was only supposed to get the one as the other size had sold out and i was refunded, NOT. They sent me the size 8 jumper (which is the one that i ended up keeping as i prefered the lenght on it to the size 6 which did fit by the way) and charged me for it when apparently i wasnt meant to get. I will be getting the money back within a couple of weeks hopefully depending on whennew look gets the parcel. 

I also bought two new tops as i sent those stated above back and some earmuffs as the weather as i may have mentioned in another post is terrible and freezing and i dont like it really. Luckily the tops were not expensive neither were the earmuffs, i now have an excuse to not listen to flat mate when we go out if im wearing them, hee hee they'll block out some of the noise. The only problem with the tops are that i wanted them long sleeved and these ones that i bought at Tesco are 3/4 length, they did have long sleeve tops in nearly every colour apart from white and stone (they colours that i bought) but they are still quite nice.   

Thursday 9 February 2012


I dont think any one can tell what day it is by the picture lol. Its my birthday today just turned 20, starting to get old or at least in my mind i am.
Went out yesterday to ASK, never been there before and it was quite nice as i enjoyed my self took a few pics before camera went dead, came back to write about to find to my surprise *not* that the internet has gone down and still is.
And today i got a few txts from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday and went to my lectures as well as finishing my packing really. Went to a pub, really nice food and opened my parcels from new look in which the jumper tht i got refunded for is actually in the package even tho it said that it wasnt.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Harry's Master

I absolutely love this story on fanfiction. Its a Severus and Harry story and is set during one of harrys hogwarts years. Really good read even though it hasnt been updated since 2010.

Link to the first chapter of the book is below if anyone wants to read it.

Harry's Master Chapter 1: Being Sold, a harry potter fanfic - FanFiction.Net


I hate days where you have to get up in the mornings when you dont want to and just want sleep. Kinda like this morning really, when my alarm woke me up at bout 8 i think it was maybe just a bit later and all i really wanted to do was go back to sleep especially since, though i do not have it, i had a bout of insomnia last night and didnt go to bed until nearly 4 not sure what time it was when i fell asleep but i'll just tell ppl that it was 4am, its alot quicker and easier really. So now i feel quite like crap as i didnt end up going to lectures today in order to catch up on sleep in which i was in and out of sleep as ppl outside and in other flats were making noise and going out, so this kept me awake or waking up depending on how you look at meaning that i didnt get that much sleep in the end. 

Sunday 5 February 2012

Absolutley freezing

Went shopping earlier as there wasnt much food left in fridge or freezer, so i put on my lovely warm boots and wrapped up warm to walk to either sainsburys or tescos with flat mate and we ended up going to sainsburys as there would have been more food there. However by the time i walked to sainsburys water from the slush and the snow started to seep into my boots and i realised that perhaps i should have put on an extra pair of socks as my feet were asbolutley frozen, i was starting to not be able to feel some of my toes because they were so numb with could.

So i made it to sainsburys and started browsing and trying to find what i wanted when a employee started going round saying to make our way to the checkout as they were closing. Now at this point i hadnt rlly picked up all tht much, so i went to the checkout and paid for what i had and then left in which time my flat mate had finally made her way to the shop. To say she was annoyed is a slight understatement, so we ended up walking all the way to tescos just to get the rest of our shopping and my shoes ended up getting drenched from the puddles where some snow had melted and the slush that was on the ground from where ppl had walked previously and i really couldnt feel some of my toes. 

Luckily while in tescos my feet warmed up although shoes were still wet both inside and outside. Now at home with socks and slippers as well as the heating on to help warm me and my poor feet up.


I've been looking at my emails this morning and some of my clothes have been sent, so i should be recieving them some time soon but one of the items sent i ordered after the jumper that i needed to order again and so i looked at my emails again and noticed that i havent recieved one for said jumper. However when i looked on and my orders, next to the order for the crochet slouch jumper says DISPATCHED. I am assuming that i have got this jumper as it says that and 1 within the order itself under quantity, so at the moment im wondering where is my email saying that it has been dispatched?

Saturday 4 February 2012

Stupid online shopping

As mentioned in my earlier post i bought clothes online from new look and it was getting processed and everything, so when i finally get the email saying that it has been dispatched what should i see but a jumper that i happen to love is no longer on my list as it is now sold out even though i paid for. Of course i got refunded the money by which time i was kinda confused and slightly angry as my order had been confirmed and there were no emails saying it had unfortuntly sold out by the time my order was being dispatched. Luckily they had one size left which again was low in stock but i still ordered it as i am determined to get it luckily for me i fir in both a size 8 and 6 and a size 6 was the only size left. The only reason i originally ordered it in a size as was as a precaution in case the size 6 didnt fit properly but im sure it will as i have bought other things that were a size 6 and they fit fine.

Hopefully i get this jumper if not i'll try another colour even if i prefer the lilac.

Clothes and the bloody internet

Just bought some really nice clothes from new look, nice wintery or warm ones came to nearly £60 and i didnt buy tht much, a pack of 3 long sleeve basic tops, a cardigan, a jumper and a hoody which looks really warm and i nice pink colour.

However there were many problems paying for this and it all comes down to the internet, which i believe i only complained about the other day. What happened was that the website ended up going really slow and then i needed to click on the 'diagnose connection problems' button more than once and after that happened while connecting to paypal i needed to go back to new look website and start payment process all over again. It was annoying to say the least.

Hopefully once ppl have looked into the internet probs as this flat was advertised to have wireless but is not i may get some money back or at least that is what i hope for.

Cant wait for my new clothes to arrive! :D xx

Thursday 2 February 2012

Freezing weather

The weather lately has been absolutley dreadful, every time i go outside i feel like im going to freeze. I suspect most ppl may feel like this once they themselves venture out into the cold. I really wish it would start warming up soon, especially as im now seeing ice on the pavements and i no it wont take me long till i end up slipping on the ice. Like my sisters say dont slip. If anyone knew the story behind the phrase 'dont slip' you may understand why i put it in and find it incredibly funny, i just hope she doesnt read this post.

I certainly hope it wont be too cold next week as i dont think tights, no matter how thick will be enough to keep me sufficiently warm, maybe i should book a taxi for when i decide to leave the restaurant. At least im getting a lift there!

Wednesday 1 February 2012


Some times i absolutely hat the internet and the agency tht i'm renting from. Since bout 2:45pm today the internet went after bout 20mins working and then a few hours later i got a txt from the letting agency saying that the IT techs cnt come and fix it till tomorrow afternoon and srry for any inconvenience, which to isnt gd enough as there have been multiple incidents in which the internet has gone off for hours at a time and even days since september when i moved in, and as a uni student and teenager (tho for nt much longer i'll b 20 nxt week) the internet is vital for my studies and my enjoyment. I am truly bored without the internet and nothing to do as i have watched most of my dvds several times over already. What, in my opinion, makes this worse is that my flat mate has/had not even told me that it was back up. Its just common curtesy to tell someone if the internet is back or not especially as i have done it several time for her. 

Urrgghh, its all rather annoying and stupid and its kinder p*ssing me off a little. (nt sure if im allowed to swear in here or not)

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Lectures and Moving

Just came back from my children's health and well-being lecture about 47 minutes ago. It seemed to go faster than normal and i didnt get to write all the notes down or i started to write some and then left a sentence half done as the nxt slide had popped up. I suppose this helped in the lecture itself going faster and ending quicker than normal since a normal 2hr lecture was cut down to a 1 1/2 hr lecture. I quite like it when this happens as i get to go home that much quicker and end up doing other things tht need to be done or just things that i want to do.


Got to love lay-ins, especially if a lecture has been cancelled or if its the weekend and you have nothing planned. More sleep = me being slightly less tired = less yawning and me being able to stay awake longer than normal. I have no idea if its just me but i tend to go to bed tired and then wake up tired, this can become quite annoying especially (gotta love tht word) as i have troubke sleeping most nights and get woken up in the mornings either by my alarm going off early as i forgot to reset it or my flat mate making noise such as slamming a door or it could be people from outside going off to work or uni.

I suppose you just tend to learn to live with it even if you dont particularly (have no idea if spelt right) like or enjoy it.

Monday 30 January 2012

Finally!! :D

At last there are new stories posted on fanfiction, YAY!! Wonder how long it will take me to read the new chapters from all of them. I should really find other stuff to do on the Internet or my laptop in general but i just can't really seem to think of any.

Maybe i should just keep adding new blog posts and see if anyone ends up reading any of them, its certainly an idea to consider especially as i have no money to buy any more books paperback or e-book. I love e-books they're cheaper than buying the book in physical form and by that i mean paperback or hardback as hardback seems to come out before the paperback versions if the book has both formats to publish.  


Just been relooking for new stories on (in the HP section) and there are no new ones added that i want to read or havent already read, i tend to find it annoying cause a couple of months/weeks ago there were quite a few new ones coming on everyday so i would be reading for a few hours or more like several hours a day and no not alot seem to be coming on or the ones that i really really enjoyed reading having been updated since 2008,2010 or early 2011. Like i said it can be quite annoying. Hopefully i'll find something before i die or boredom.

New blog!

I find it incredibly weird that whenever I start either an e-mail or this blog post my mind goes entirely blank an I end up forgetting or not knowing what to put. So to start of with I'll say a bit about me and hopefully what will end up on this blog even if no-one ends up reading it.

  • Firstly I am a 19 nearly 20 year old female who is unfortuantly (or fortuantly depending on how you look at it) the youngest of 6.
  • Secondly I go to University and am currently in my second year. YAY!! This means nxt yr I will be graduating, thats gonna be fun.
  • Thirdly I am an avid reader and I hope thats the word that I mean, it might not be, but just incase, I tend to read alot. When I say alot, I mean ALOT.
  • Fourthly I love listening to music, as long as its music that I like such as paramore, youmeatsix, taylor swift, avril lavigne, nickelback, fall out boy and others. 

I cant think of anything else to put at the moment, so i'll leave it like this.